
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Saturday 16 May 2009

no water, lots of tan, carbs...

Good morning world!!!!
Hubby told me I wasn't to show anyone before the show, but I have to tell you that HUBBY worked out the crystal and pearl design and put every crystal and pearl on this bikini by hand one at a time!!!
Then he decorated my other one as well, which I will show you before the next show. He sat and worked every night for about two weeks on both bikinis, he had no pattern, just a few pictures that I found in some USA mags and the Internet, then made the changes that I wanted...
I am really spoilt and so very lucky to have such an amazing supportive partner, I will openly admit that I needed him every step of the way...
I was up this morning at 6am so Hubby could slap freezing cold tanning solutions into places that don't like freezing cold tanning solution at 6am, which is all of my body!!! LOL

The Jantana Tan is awesome stuff, it dries beautifully and really fast so by the time he has reached my toes I can have my sweat shirt back on top and then pants on a couple of minutes later. No standing around in the cold waiting to get dressed.. yay for small mercies!

I then had to wait till 7am for my first meal of chicken and sweet potato, only 900mls of distilled water today and that has to stop at lunch time.. I did it hard only having 3 ltrs yesterday as I normally drink around 5ltrs a day, so 900mls will be interesting...
My poor dogs can not work out why I can't be kissed with big long kissy tongues hehehehe, they gave up trying to get bits of left overs off my plate months ago and I am sure that Tank looked at my chicken and broccoli yesterday and laughed at me! Honestly their brisket bones this morning had more food on them they I will eat today LOL

So I am now sitting here passing the time till my next meal..... boring!!! Hubby has gone to the gym and I am jealous and missing it and I want my weights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am already organising my training and diet for post competition, got to say that going over recipes and nutrition one day out from a competition is a new kind of hell, I reckon I have a sadist personality.. LOL
My Mum phoned last night and threw huge hints abut coming to see me today, but honestly I could not handle her "oooohhh Should you look like that???" "Are you supposed to show that many veins??" "Can I bring you some scones Dear"... After all she is only 4ft9" I am liable to run straight over the top of her when my meal time rolls round LOL
Well I'm off to surf for more recipes, post competition diets etc. It is so hard to find diets for woman who want to train heavy and not loose fat!!!!


Tearose said...

omfg ITS GORGEOUS! Is he open for business?! LOL

That just made me tear up, he stoned your suits! Now that is love!
ROFl on rolling over you mom haha!

Aww Cath I can't wait to see you! I will be there!

Witchazel said...

I keep telling him he has found his true calling!!! He is really artisic and totally pecise in everything he does, it would be the perfect business for him...

Just like us girls he has trouble believing in himself!

SeLiNa said...

That is gorgeous!! Enjoy your last day, and I'm sure I'll meet you tomorrow!!

Tearose said...

omg Cath you were so stunning! That color was perfect! Just stunning! Tell your hubby for me I think he is the sweetest and incredibly talented holy hell. Oh and I love your hair! Its so funny I have been following your blog and only just met you, but I was all misty eyed seeing you up there. I am so silly haha.