
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Tuesday 2 June 2009


Funny I no longer have to do all the pre-competition stuff but I still don't seem to have enough time in my day to fit everything in...

Been at sucky job for the last two days and that's one way to kill 8 hours, but when I get home the time just seems to fly by and I haven't been achieving much at all which is really frustrating me as I want to get stuck in and do so much, my head is full of plans but I can not seem to get started on any of them!!

It hasn't helped that our poor little 5 year old lap top keeps telling me that it has no memory left! So I keep juggling programmes and moving files trying to keep it going for another couple of weeks till we can have it cleaned, boosted and reprogrammed. But it keeps closing down the Internet on me whenever it feels like it

I really don't see why it has to tell me it has no memory left, I don't burden it with my memory problems, you don't hear me running to my lap top and asking it where I put my cup of coffee or my favourite black top do you???

I am back into training again, I didn't take a break at all as I have really missed the heavy training, so we were back at it yesterday morning... YAY I LOVE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!!

Today my Hammies were just a teeny bit sore, one of my favourite feelings so I lunged up the stairs at work every time I went up them.

Ohhh it's ok it is an enclosed staircase so no-one could see me... LOL I just imagined all the elderly patrons at the RSL looking up from the pokie machines to see me lunging up two flights of stairs ... "Oh my goodness Ethel can you see that??? What is she doing???" " I'm not sure Maude but it must hurt" LOL

My diet is back to my normal again, I am basically still eating what I was before the comp but just a lot more of it, my boss just shock her hed when she asked what I had for morning tea and I said rice, tuna, salad... But hey it had avocado, cottage cheese, tomato and carrots in it and I haven't had any of those for about 10 weeks!!! When she found out I was having Chicken veges and rice for lunch she told me I was a lost cause LOL

Ohhhhh and the official ANB photos are up on their web site!!!! I can't wait to order them!!! Seems the official result won't be up for about a week, not sure why...

Ohhhhh and you have to check out the overall male winner, his name is Luke and he came from the Junior Class. This guy is awesome, its just like you are looking at a young Arnie!!! When he was posing no one was clapping and it was because we were all just sitting there with or mouths open going... OH MY GOD!!!! Both Hubby and I spoke to him on separate occasions at the night show and he is the nicest kid, really humble and genuine, but OMG he really is just a spitting image of Arnie when he was young. We have since heard that he comes from somewhere out in the country and still lives with his folks and they were absolutely gutted on Saturday and some scuzzball was telling everyone that Luke had taken drugs. So much fr sportsmanship Blah!

I hope someone helps this kid get to the top in all the right ways!!!!!!!

Well my washing machine is beeping at me, I have the meals to prepare and dinner to cook and once again I am running out of time....

Thanks again to all of you who have commented on my blog, I am over the moon at the support I get from you all, makes me feel pretty damn special...


ss2306 said...

Congrats on your achievements over the past couple of weeks. You should be very proud of yourself.

I'm probably looking in the wrong place but I can't see the photos on the ANB website?

Anonymous said...

Cathy -- You have come so far! You are hugely inspiring. Congratulations.

Tearose said...

Hey Beautiful! Congrats on placing 4th! :D Loved the routine video, sound like you had an awesome time!

Witchazel said...

Hi Shelley, go to snd go down the left hand side to photographs.. this will being up winkipop and then you choose bodybuilding and then the comp you want to view