
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Friday, 1 April 2011

That first step......

Whether it is a new exercise program, a new house, a new love, a new job, or a new food... that first step to trying something new can sometimes seem a thousand feet high........

And it doesn't matter if you feel like you are trying to step Up or Down.... that first step is always a big deal...

What If......... you don't make it, you fall down instead of stepping down, you trip up instead of climbing, you land on your face in front of friends, family or a crowd of strangers...

That first leap of faith in yourself is one big mother of a jump...

Sometimes you are ambling along on what you think is your life path and the step is just suddenly thrust upon you. You are left breathless, gasping at the sudden change, gobsmacked that no choices were prepared for you, no discussions, no toing and froing, no lying awake and wondering....
The step is just there... in your life.. and you are halfway up or down before you even have the chance to decide if the time is right.

It can be a terrifying experience, huge doubts and fears leap around you waving pom poms and chanting all those words of failure that people have tossed at you since before you can remember... what it, be careful, wait and see, be responsible....

But... actually there is no But... The thing is you WILL handle it... you will find yourself on the other side of the doubt and wondering why you ever consider this a worry... Of course you have never done this before, so why do you automatically think you can't if you have never done it before! Why don't you atuomatically think you Can!

And once you have tried, once you have "done it" well now you know you can! Does it matter what it was you tried?? No! Does it matter that you tried it? Yes! Does it matter if, on your very first attempt, you weren't the best in the word at it? No!  Ohhh hell what if,on your very first attempt, you WERE the best in the world!!! If you don't try it how will you ever know..........

So go and try the thing that has been lurking in your thoughts, the dream that you dare to dream but don't dare to tell anyone... Is it a squat with that extra plate on the bar... is it that group fitness class that you think you will look ridiculous in... is it that extra lap of the pool, track or one higher incline on the treadmill, what about that dish you always wanted to cook, the cake to bake, the person you always wanted to say hello to...

Sometimes you don't have a choice... your life changes and wham so does your view of the world... sometimes it is just a matter of choosing to change the view yourself and that can be the scariest of all, having the faith in yourself to be great....

Soooooo do you want to spend your your retirement days looking back and saying "I was going to..." or do you want to spend them saying.... "now, lets see, is there anything at all left for me to do..."


Fifi said...

Great post Cath xxx

Kerry W said...

Hear!Hear! Well said Cath. :)

Magda said...

My life motto is "dont die wondering, what if". This post aligns with that beautifully.

mq01 said...
