
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Monday 22 August 2011

Support, goals, keto blah blah blah

Its been ages.... friggin ages... I know.. I know...
Lots of reasons, mostly it has just been me getting my schedule organised enough to have time to blog.. this has taken a lot longer than I thought it would, but I think I ALMOST have my world organised into an untangled mess of times, jobs, nutrition and sleep... ALMOST...

I have somehow managed to have a roster that means 4am wake  ups three, sometimes four, days a week. I now think of 5am as a sleep in... 6am is amazing! My biggest problems are convincing the furkids that every day is not a 4am wake up...  and convincing my body that when I go to bed at 9pm I do not want to or need to be awake at midnight! This is now a set pattern, if i go to sleep at 8.30pm I am wide awake at 11.30pm. If I go to sleep at 9pm midnight arrives and I am wandering into the kitchen for my nightly 12.14am drink of water... I then toss and turn, if i bother to go back to bed at all, until 4 or 5 depending on when my "wake up" time for the day is.

The upside to this, and yes there is ALWAYS an upside, is that I use these hours to plan devious ways to PT my clients into soggy sweating whimpering messes in half an hour hehehehehehe

The rest of my roster is a finish at around 11.30am with a start back for the evening sessions at between 3.30 and 4pm finishing for the day at around 7.30-8pm. The break in the middle of the day is supposed to be for a workout, some cardio, housework, study and working on my nutrition course and then if I am extremely insanely lucky a Nana nap... that's the theory.. great theory... never happens.. lol.

Anyway the timing of my life is a work in progress. Working these weird hours has resulted in a good number of clients and at this point that is my focus, results for my clients. So I suck it up, sleep most of Sunday and love what I am doing.

My biggest rock at the moment in my road of life is not having a set goal.... no competition looming.... which has left me a little lost... I have now found a new goal... a trip back to NZ in January... but its not really the same... anyway I am working on chipping away at this particular rock and know that soon it will crack and my focus will shine through its cracks...

I have been trying out the Keto diet now for around 6 weeks... in true fashion it has worked awesomely for Hubby... muscle gain fat loss loving it... for me... hmmm in true fashion.. muscle gain not so much of the fat loss... love the diet, for the first time in my life I do not crave sugar... FIRST time EVER in my life... but every week I say I am giving it up... then stick at it for another week... the scales are going up by the calipers say the fat is going down... but it is not very dramatic so I am left praying that the calipers aren't playing games and that i am actually growing muscle and not just heading back to "Big". "Big" is scary... sorry understatement.. to e BIG is fucking terrifying...

In my new role of PT I have discovered two interesting facts... I believe mirrors and scales were invented by men for men... when a man stands on the scales and the numbers go up he immediately thinks "MUSCLE" when a woman steps on  the scales and they go up it is immediately assumed to be "FAT".. actually its is almost always assumed to be "FAT ARSE"... When  a man looks in t he mirror he only sees his amazing bits... a woman only sees her worse bits... see "FAT ARSE" above...

This is just an observation... which I must leave you to ponder as it is now time for my evening shift...

Shit look at the time.. didn't juggle this very well today..

1 comment:

Laynie: the Marketing Muscle said...

You are a crackup my dear. Laugh so much because I could see myself in the words you write. Stay focussed, stay true Cath. x