
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Sunday 22 March 2009

Oh Hell....

How do we do this????????????????????????????????

Not, Why do we do this, I know why, it obvious!!! Because I am going to be standing on stage in 7 weeks and 6 days and want to be the best I can so yes I know the why...

But the HOW..... Now that's whats stunning me.....

I manage to be a Semi Halfpie Vaguely Human for around almost approximately 5ish hours a day....

I'm sort of ok for the hour after I have consumed my morning protein shake... this hour is spent at the gym using up the energy the shake and supplements gave me.... Unfortunately I do not like to normally communicate when I am training, so imagine how un-pleased I am having to talk to anyone today when every ounce of energy is being used just to train...

The hour after I have eaten Breakfast.... Unfortunately this takes about 30 mins to kick in so between the gym, the shower, making breakfast, eating breakfast and then getting dressed.... do not speak to me because I will not understand anything... Absolutely nothing will get through my fog filled carb depleted brain...

This feed will wear off in about 2 hours so if anyone does wish to communicate with me do it now and do it carefully as I will still not really understand what anyone is saying and I WILL take everything personally and negatively...

Then all should step back and shut up until I eat again which is still another 30 minutes away, if I am running on time... Do not do anything which will cause this meal to be late if you wish to remain alive... Do not tell me not to take this food with me as we will be back in time to eat it and then not be back in time.. this is not a good thing...

Then give me 30 minutes for the food to work before trying to talk to me again.... Once again you now have approximately 2 hours in which I will try my hardest to be half human... No, smiling is not an option as frowning takes more muscles and I now view this as a form of calorie burning.

Oppppss the food has gone again and I am now standing very still trying to remember my name... You want what???? You want me to practice my routine!!!!!!! I can not even remember how to stand!!!!!!! Yes this is Your problem as I told you the carbs were running out and yet I had to stay and the gym practising and now I can not even work out which way is forward.....

SO this is what I mean by HOW?????

Is this really what it is like for the rest of the time to competition day?

My Hubby told me I was doing a "Dying swan act" today and I got out of the car at the supermarket car park and walked home... without the veges I need for tomorrow but with a fair bit of obscene language....

Is this really what I will be like or am I being a Prima Donna Spoilt Bitch Dying Swan????

I really do feel like shit and the carbs are going again so this is becoming a ramble... Better go and cook all the "tomorrow" meals before my brain closes up completely again...


Tearose said...

omg lol thats hilarious, I soo know what you mean, I had it out with hubby last night, I have been such a bitch and I know it! now that I have had some carbs and my brain is functioning its funny, but I remember how deadly serious I was and how it was definitely HIS fault I don't know HOW either, only very grumpily and I think we should have punching bags installed...seriously, or a nice cement area we can throw glass at and hear it shatter when were especially pissed :P

Witchazel said...

LOL I love the cement area idea... or maybe just a padded cell and boxing bag!LOL

Tearose said...

lol hubby would definitely go for the padded cell idea :P