
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Monday 17 August 2009

The difference of one word

Shoulders and Hammies done this morning... wasn't a particularly inspiring workout, but I did increase my weights on one shoulder exercise and on my stiff legged deadlifts, and that is progress... which is what it is all about...

Cardio this evening, didn't have to do it, wasn't in my schedule, but I had the need for cardio, and since that urge can become a rare thing in the next few weeks I thought I would use the need while it was lurking LOL

While cardioing my mind wandered onto the annoying "have one" conversations that anyone trying to adapt their lifestyle has to go through just about every day and I think I have hatched an evil plan to turn the tables on the "have-ones"...

So there you are having a nice green tea with your friends while they sup on mocha, double chocolate lattes and muffins and the unavoidable happens... "Honey why don't you have one???"

Now I reckon that most of us reply with "I can't eat that" which immediately results in "Go on one won't matter" or other inane push, eat this food now, you are missing out, comments...

But what if you change the "Can't" to " Wont" ... "I won't eat that".... make sure you get a disgusted tone in your voice...

First off I think this will reinforce to yourself that you won't eat it and you don't want to eat rather than you can't have something you may want.

I also think that it will give the "have-ones" a bit of a shock and maybe even make them ask why won't you eat that.. and the answer you need to give them is this.....

"Well because it is a large lump of over processed fat, sugar, preservatives and food colouring barely disguised as food..." which I figure will cover most food purchased from a chain food type of cafe or fast food shop!

Suddenly they are sitting there with something that sounds rather disgusting in front of them instead of something that sounds desirable...

I can't wait to try it...

1 comment:

mq01 said...

brilliant!!! ewww pffft gross i WONT eat that :) i bet they never do that to anyone again...