
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Wednesday 10 February 2010

Well, would ya look at that.....

Just when you think you are working your gluts off for no reason at all you find you have worked your gluts off.... or hopefully in my case - as my gluts are not actually a worry spot for me - my stomach, er abs, yeah abs.. I'm pretty sure I have seen them a coupe of times when I have been onstage so abs...

Anyway took that tentative step on to the Satan scales this morning to find a 1.1kg drop in weight, now because I am a total pessimist I got off and back on with the telephone books to make sure the scales were actually awake and thinking then back on and yes 1.1kg lighter... yay!

Now today is measurement day so I will now spend the morning stressing that I have managed to loose 1.1kg of muscle and my fat is still there... but at least I am seeing Kelli today so I will know the truth by this evening...

Only did cardio today as we are now doing a 5 day split and Hubby likes to train chest on a Saturday as that is the day we can go to the gym in daylight and - 7am instead of 5am - and do not have to watch the clock, so on a Wednesday I just do an hour of cardio in one session instead of the usual 20 mins in the morning and 40 mins at night...

Now because I had an hour of mindless movement to do my Ipod shuffle decided today was the day to die... I mean I can understand how it felt the thought of an hour of mindless movement made me feel like dying but really how inconsiderate of it. So instead I stole Hubbies which as better than nothing but you know how we load up our Ipods with OUR music and bop away to it killing the mindless movement time... try doing it to someone elses music... hmmmm just not the same... Sorry Hubby but Tanya Tucker??? Country Music???? what???? managed to finally find some techno hidden in there which at least had a good cardi beat but country??? that man of mine never stops surprising me, about a year ago he was into Rockabilly and Opera, techno came and went so did the Blues and Pink but country - ugh!

Anyway better go and get ready for the box, I get a half day Wednesday so I can see my trainer which is pretty nice of my boss to let me do, ohhhh and yesterday I managed to not even be a little tempted by the tray of savory nibbles which arrived in the office and only a little tempted by the specially individually boxed container fresh pastries, chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate tarts left on my desk just for me... sigh.... lovely thought I am sure... sigh I am just really chuffed that Bee saved me and removed them quickly and quietly..

Will check in with the results tonight r inthe morning...


Kerry W said...

Well done on the scales Cath!

LizN said...

nothing worse than your IPOD dying :)
Good luck with the results tonight!

Tara said...

Cathy, take your 1.1kg drop and run with it babe!! I am sure it will be icky fat gone and not beautiful Muscle. Good luck with ur appt with kelly!
