
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Tuesday 9 March 2010

Not a Clue.........

I have no bloody idea what I am going to do...

Tomorrow I see Dr Sarah for the results, and Kelli for measurements...

I have stayed off the scales since Saturday so it will be scary stepping on them tomorrow morning..

I didn't stop training, I did cut back on the cardio... still did the 40 mins at night but no morning cardio which in turn gave me time to fully train the muscle groups and not rush through the exercises which was a fabulous feeling, my weights went back up and the doms came back...

I am almost scared to discover I am back on track as I really do not know if I want to compete in the April or May comps.... Honestly I do not want to not compete... I just don't know if I do want to compete... I know that makes no sense... but that's where I am tonight.

Received my second Nutrition II assignment back and I am flying through the course with huge ticks and great comments from my tutor, but I am not studying as much as I should because of the training, work, cardio hours...

As much as I enjoy the weights in the morning I am still loving being able to run and do cardio at night, I love the feeling of sweat running down my face and back... I love the heavy breathing.. I love the feeling of being able to do this and just enjoy it... It IS a big thing for me when I look back to 2008 and the 10 years before that when walking was painful and breathless, so it IS a big deal to run and love it...

And the hardest thing about deciding if I will compete in April or May... If I don't I won't need the hair extensions!!!! Hell I must compete!!! LOL

As usual I will tell all the results tomorrow night... I promised the good, the bad and that I would discretely show my ugly and I will still do that, as who knows maybe someone out there may see that along with their bad, they will always have good and that their ugly ain't as ugly as it could be...


Magda said...

Dear Cathy,

you've captured exactly how I feel about running. The hotter it is, the sweatier I get, the happier I am. I love a good sweaty workout. Nothing beats it. And like you, I've been heavier too and hated running as its just too darn hard then but as a got leaner and lighter I got better at it and am totally in love now. I was nodding my head as I read your blog post tonight.


KRISTIN said...

Cathy, I went through the same though patterns and decided that there will always be more comps and taking time off is not a bad thing... you can always go back. good luck with your decision, just make the right one that will make you happy and I'm sure you'll be fine xo

mq01 said...

life works in mysterious ways sometimes. here, take the bottle back, for now ;) ..waiting to hear.. xoxo!

Tara said...

Good luck with the results Cathy. I have done my measurements today, down 1ml but weight up 1kg! argghhhhhhhhh hope urs are better than mine :o) xxx