
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Thursday 3 June 2010

Doing the hamster dance!

SO yesterday I had gained 700gms... insert worried sad face here......

Some how I had managed to lose 1.2kg between Saturday and Sunday then gain it all back and a little pile on top all in time for my weigh in and measurement day... insert very sad face HERE!....
The weird thing was I put my saggy baggy uniform on and it was... saggy and baggy.. with that sort of a gain the skirt should have been sitting a lot more "normal"...

Then I got changed to go and see Kelli and my measurement skirt (its just easy to undo and its short so all measurements can be done without fluffing around with clothing) it was also a bit loose.... weird....

Well I was not looking forward to the calipers at all and when it came time to do the dreaded pinching I took a deep breath and waited....

Even Kelli was a bit amazed, and measured my biceps 6 times!!! ouch!! LOL

Yep, I have lost another 5.2mils overall, so that means that all my weight gain has to be muscle????? well what do you know??? bugger me!!!!!

I am now sitting at 13.9% body fat - woohoooo under 14!!
Skinfolds are 70.6mm which makes me 11.8mm ahead of target LOL

Ok so I am now officially loving this new nutrition programme!! two carb free days and one carb day where I am only having the same carbs as I used to have every day... man this baby is working a treat.. and the best part is I am not hungry AT ALL!!

Maybe it is just that it is a complete change for my body, maybe it is the morning cardio and night time training... maybe it was the fact that I gave my body a nice long rest and now it is ready to do my bidding... I don't know and at this point don't care, its working and that's all that matters LOL

So I was one excited happy little hamster yesterday... bring on the next week!!!!


Chelle said...

Fabulous results cath, you're a fat-burning machine!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! 13% body fat, you are "working" hard!

Stephanie Davis said...

nice result! don't let the scales do your head in when its the calipers that count ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice work - scales do tend to go all over the place -looking at your hotness in the mirror also counts :)

Tara said...

yay @ the skinfold results!! gotta love new muscle :) have an amazing weekend xx