
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Monday 11 October 2010

I'm positive.........

If there is one big lesson I have learnt this time round it is the power of positive thought...

I am definitely not the master of positive thought but I HAVE tried to increase my positivity during this preparation.. Some days I have succeeded other days I haven't, and on these days I have fallen into the bog of negatively.

The difference is that I can now actually feel the difference that thinking in a positive manner can make...

I spend a lot of time in an atmosphere where negativity reigns supreme... I share a lot of my days with people who comment using negatives rather than positives, who mistrust others and constantly expect to be "done" or cheated in some way and I have found that by the end of the day I feel like I am dripping in a slime of negativity. This slime can remain on me for hours but usually it is until Hubby tells me to snap out of it and to ignore the comments that have dragged me down through the day. The negativity is ALWAYS gone by the time I leave the gym after my evening workout....

I believe this is because of the positive nature of the staff at Fitness Matters and also because of the fact that nearly everyone at the gym is churning out positive energy through their hard work and dedication to a healthy lifestyle.. the place just oozes positivity...

What I can't get my head around is that there is still the odd person at the gym who drags negativity around with them like an extra weight belt... why train like that????

I have already told one person, who consistently came up to me at 5.30am dragging her feet and growling about being tired, that I too was tired and really, honestly, didn't need to hear how tired she was because it wasn't at all helpful or interesting...

Yes I am tired at 5.30am, hell I have already been up for an hour, done chores, prepared meals made myself look less like a Yetty and hopefully vaguely human then headed to the gym.. I go there to focus, be invigorated, to reach a goal and I always, always, always, try t make sure that I say GOOD MORNING to the staff with a big cherry smile even if I don't feel like it.. and you know by the time I am climbing onto whatever piece of equipment I am using I feel like it is a good morning!!! It IS a matter of positive thought.... you can moan and drag yourself through your workout of you can say - Yay! lets do this!!!

So by the time I get home in the morning I am already in a great mood... its going to be a great day... hell I am whole and healthy, my family is safe and well, it is great!!!!

But to carry those thoughts through a whole day of negativity is one big ask... how do you protect yourself from the negativity when most comments are phrased in such a way that the negative attitude overrides everything else... One of my faults is that I do take everything to heart, I do take things personally even when I should just say to hell with them and move on...

Soooooooo one of my big after comp goals is to focus on positive thought even more, to try and find a way of surrounding myself with a shield of positivity..... I think I might look at meditation, I have tried this before but honestly have found that it is an excellent way to fall asleep instantly.. hmm definitely will have to work on that.... any thought out there on how to learn to meditate??????????

Anyway this is the start of THE WEEK... I am feeling fabulous, was really happy in how I looked tonight when practicing posing in the gym, which is a big thing as by the end of the day I usually have problems with what I see in the mirror.... Had a great chest and tricep workout, really enjoyed the fish for dinner which I am not a fan of but its amazing how hunger can change your taste buds and now I am hanging for my bedtime meal and bedtime.... 6 sleeps... yes!


Sandra said...

Hey Cath, it IS a great day! Hope you have six great days before comp...stay positive, it will get you far xoxox

Unknown said...


You've got a really wonderful weblog. To turn into a prosperous man or woman the basic factor should be to have positive thinking.