One thing I know is the difference that good support can make to a persons whole life....
I'm not just talking about push up bra's here... although god love them where would we be without them... just hanging.. some lower than we would like to admit... just being natural... just showing the world that perky isn't actually available all of your life...
No I'm talking about the support we need to make reaching our goal a thing that can happen without us having to feel like we are trying to achieve a 100 metre dash through neck high slime...
Support is the thing that people who truly love you give you without even realising they are doing it.
Its the Mum who gets up at some "stupid o'clock" time in the middle of winter to make sure that their child is ready and at the pool because said child has decided that they want to swim in the Olympics in some huge amount of time in the future.... only to have darling child announce after 5 years of dedication that swimming now sucks and they have really always wanted to ride for Australia and that the bike they need is onnnnnly $5,000......
Its the partner who stops eating their favorite chocolate bar because they know it drives their husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend insane while they are on their competition diet.... they never mention it, they never say they have done it... they just do it... for love...
Support can be the difference... It doesn't guarantee that the person with all the support will be the winner, the best, the greatest... but it sure as hell makes their journey one hell of a lot easier even if they don't, in some cases, realise they are being supported. Yes sometimes the support crew can be so damn fabulous at their job that the supported one doesn't even realise that they are being held up and carried over the slime..... so they never realise they should say a huge heart felt thank you.
With the next round of Queensland bodybuilding competitions only a few weeks away now is probably a really good time for the competitors to look around, pay attention, step away from the ever present mirror and appreciate anyone who is there holding their hand, changing their eating habits, rearranging their lives.... so that the competitor can train, eat, sleep, gain, loose and breath competition...
Of course the other side of the coin is the ones that receive zero support... this I find disgusting and beyond frustrating! To see people actively changing aspects of their lives to reach goals, better themselves, make a difference or just to reach a healthier place who have none or very little support from people who are supposed to love them astounds me. I'm not talking sports people, I'm just talking about your average person-in-the-street who decides that they need to get healthy to be alive next year.
How can people who are your life partners, your loved ones... how can they mock you for wanting to improve, be happy or get well... why would they not encourage you to be the best you can be... why would they insist on sabotaging your efforts by suddenly deciding that giving you a huge packet of chocolate biscuits is just what you need since you have been on a diet for... wow a whole week!
How can parents mock or undermine their own children. Are they so sucked into the mire of self pity that they can not wish the best for their children, to hope that their children may achieve something they themselves can only dream about... That these children go on to achieve some amazing results alone and unsupported shows how fabulous humans are, how we all have the strength to go beyond our limits...
I just hope that if you know of anyone who is striving to be better, reaching out for a goal, aiming higher than everyone else, to be their best, that you think like a push up bra... give them lift, give them a platform to rise up on... be the one to stop and lend a hand, be the support that keeps them perky... who knows your one act of support may be the difference between a life lived in joy and health or one spent grasping for help and drowning in the slime....
Right. Let's mount "operation pushup bra" and find someone who needs a little moral support to help out this week.
damn it LOL, you keep hitting these topics that are so relate-able and so transferable to so many areas of life, for SO MANY PEOPLE, right now! im in, operation pushup bra works!
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