T....otally behind you and full of helpful ideas, suggestions and plans
E....xcept when the time comes to implement the ideas, suggestions and plans
A....nd suddenly everyone is busy on that day
M....aybe this is why I'm jaded when it comes to team events, because its a lot like volunteering
V....ery politically correct thing to do
O....n everyones list to do when they have "spare" time
L....ets all say we will be there giving our time until the week of the event
U....sually accompanied by helpful ideas, suggestions and plans
N....ice to offer to do but nicer to be busy on that day
T....hen suddenly its the thought that counts
E....ven though thinking about helping is not helping at all
E....specially when it is all about helping the team
R....ather disappointing when you realise
I.....n reality no one does actually care
N....ot unless they are paid to care
G....uess its up to me then.
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