
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Friday 17 October 2008

250gms of steak for afternoon tea!

Ok so now I am at my part time work... I know, I know, I am obviously not working at work, but hey they give you a computer and put you in reception with no-one to receipt and tell you to amuse yourself....

Sooooo anyway, my question is.. how can anyone not want to be healthy???
I just don't understand, especially when I get to eat 250gms of steak and a salad for afternoon tea and most obese people are starving themselves till dinner time.
I still have two more meals today (6 in all) and I am always being asked how I fit all that eating in and still loose weight. Geee coud it be cause my body doesn't think I am starving to death all day?

But back to the not wanting to be healthy thing. It's not like there is no education about healthy eating out there in reality tv land, cooking shows, news articles blah blah blah and yet Australia is now officially the fatest country in the world - well according to TV9 that is. Now I LOVE it here and will never bag the place, so what I don't get it how people who live in such a beautiful country with the outdoor space from heaven can sit inside and grow a bum the size of a pacific island.

I have found myself wanting to grab large people as they pass and beg them to let me help them and then one fateful day my husband taught me why you must never do this....

My man wanders to the small business next door and spies the owner sitting and chewing on the last of a 500gm bag of cashew and macadamian nuts with another TWO unopened bags next to her.
Now my man thinks to himself "hmmmmm maybe she doesn't realise the fat content of those nuts" (he knows these numbers cause I have a habit of reading the info aloud when browsing the supermarket labels) and he bounces in to tell her.... Well when he staggered back into our workshop he was a beaten sad man... Thanx for telling me how fat I am she had yelled at him... nuts ARE good for you! Everyone knows that!!!! Ok but 500gms of nuts???? He tried to go back and explain (even though I warned him not to) and was yelled at some more, the ladies husbandwas wrapt the next day, said she was so busy scoffing the rest of the nuts that night she didn't bitch to him once about her weight...
see this is why you just can not help people who don't want to be helped.... its dangerous!

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