
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Monday 15 December 2008

what really counts..

Had a down day today...

I think at this time of the year we all look at our lives and try and decide if things are good, bad or ugly..

I am very happy with where I am and who I am, but this is easy to forget when all around me all I see is people spending and buying and getting...

I kept thinking of all the "things" I thought I wanted or needed to make my life better and happier.. a new kitchen, a car, a holiday to see friends in NZ, a new front gate that I wouldn't have to struggle with to come and go, Boobs!

This Christmas we weren't treated to a government sponsored Christmas and I honestly don't care, but since we were not sponsored we are not in the position to go out and buy lots of goodies for others either..

This makes me sad, and its not really because I want lots all of those goodies, but because I love to give lots of goodies.. Nothing makes me happier than making people happy...

The pressie problem was actually solved, although it just doesn't seem the same to me as giving a wrapped pretty parcel on Christmas morning, all my family are very very happy as they will be driving round in sparkling clean cars very soon courtesy of our time and energy, well all my family except us cause we never clean our own car!!! LOL

Sooo this was why I was down... I felt lost and deprived and I forgot what I already have...

And then I went to the doctor for an annual prescription refill and general check over and was told I have the blood pressure and resting heart rate of a teenager.... and well, really, that is the best present you can get... great health!

I am 48 years old and have the health of a teenager, actually it's probably better than theirs as nearly every teenager I see is eating something disgusting, smoking and drinking booze!

This made me realise that what I would love to be able to give to all my family, friends, and anyone else I possibly can is great health...

I now know what I want for Xmas, a new direction in life, I want to learn how to help others achieve great health....

And I must have plenty of time to learn as I'm really only 18ish LOL


Dawn said...

WOW, that's great news from the doctors! Keep up the good work!

Lisa said...

Now you know you need to be open to the opporunities and seek them out.
